
Gonzalez Rojas, P. (2018). Walkacross: Space–Motion Metric for Responsive Architecture. In M. Rossi & G. Buratti (Eds.), Computational Morphologies: Design Rules Between Organic Models and Responsive Architecture (pp. 157–169). Springer International Publishing.

Gonzalez Rojas, P. (2017). Space and Motion: Data-Driven Model of 4D Pedestrian Behavior. ACADIA 2017: DISCIPLINES & DISRUPTION, Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) Cambridge MA, 266–273.

Gonzalez, P., & Sass, L. (2017). Constructive Design: Rule Discovery for 3D Printing Decomposed Large Objects. Gülen Çagdas, Mine Özkar, Leman F. Gül and Ethem Gürer (Eds.) Future Trajectories of Computation in Design [17th International Conference, CAAD Futures 2017, Proceedings / ISBN 978-975-561-482-3] Istanbul, Turkey, July 12-14, 2017, Pp. 431-442.

Cepolina, E. M., Menichini, F., & Gonzalez Rojas, P. (2017). Pedestrian Level of Service: The Impact of Social Groups on Pedestrian Flow Characteristics. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 12(04), 839–848.